Red Hats? Green Zone? What are those things? USA Network’s new series, COLONY, has some vocabulary unique to its story. You will want to be well-versed in the COLONY lingo in order to get the most from the storyline.
Now you could be like me and watch the pilot early On Demand, multiple times, with subtitles to catch each word. Or, you can visit the tutorial at, the show’s interactive website. Or, you can read on and get a crash course here. Even better, do all three!
Here are several terms as I have come to understand them:

  • Colonists – residents living in the recently occupied Los Angeles under some oppressive conditions
  • Hosts – the unknown group that has taken over Los Angeles
  • Transitional Authority – a mysterious governing body administering the plans of the even more mysterious “hosts” who have taken over Los Angeles
  • Red Hats – the militia that enforces the laws and demands of the Transitional Authority
  • Collaborate – work with and support the Transitional Authority
  • Resist – clandestinely work against the Transitional Authority in hopes of taking back Los Angeles
  • Bloc – That’s right, there is no “k”s in these of blocs, which are different geographical regions divided by ginormous, impenetrable walls. i.e. Los Angeles bloc and Santa Monica bloc. Colonists are NOT allowed to move freely between blocs.
  • Flats – These are the housing areas for the Colonists, much less affluent than the Green Zone areas.
  • Green Zone – This is the much more affluent area inhabitanted by the Transitional Aurhority and its associates.
    COLONY -- Season:1 -- Pictured: Peter Jacobson as Proxy Alan Snyder -- (Photo by: Justin Stephens/USA Network)
    COLONY — Season:1 — Pictured: Peter Jacobson as Proxy Alan Snyder — (Photo by: Justin Stephens/USA Network)
  • Drones – provide additional remote surveillance
  • Proxy – The Transitional Authority’s designated leader over a particular bloc. i.e. Proxy Alan Snyder governs the Los Angeles Bloc
  • The Factory – an ominous location where people are threatened to be sent
  • Exclusion Zone – areas between blocs, which are only accessible under highly regulated procedures

I hope this helps prepare you for your COLONY viewing. And I would love to hear your comments!